
Club Pontoons back in use

The Club pontoons and new gangway are in operation, thanks to the tireless work of of the jetty crew and all those that have assisted in getting the project this far

PDYC Christmas travelers, Nats and Oceans

The Christmas New year period see’s Port Dalrymple members spread far and wide across the country as they continue the Club tradition of members contesting National Championships for their various classes.

Jetty Re development Update December 19th

PDYC got a Christmas present today, with a 20’ container of FRP grating arriving, that will be the decking for all the pontoons and the entire jetty, when the jetty re development is complete

December Semaphore is out!

Our super scribe David Allan has produced another great edition of the Club newsletter Semaphore, for your Christmas reading pleasure, so take the time and have a browse.

Jetty Re development update 14th December

The Jetty team have been busy trimming all the poly pipe sleeves to level and getting the mounting tires in place, the first of the Club pontoon number two is back in location on the new piles, with the tender pontoon (one) returning to the water early next week.

Christmas BBQ

Saturday's BBQ to follow the final race of the Log Cabin Twilight, will also be this years Club Christmas BBQ.

Jetty Update November 28th

The Jetty redevelopment piling is complete; we now have new steel piles for the entire jetty structure, along with new steel, poly sleeved piles for the Clubs pontoons and the new fuel berth and day berth pontoons in place.

Log Cabin Twilight Series

It's Twilight time with the Log Cabin Garden Centre Saturday Twilight Series continuing on Saturday. Port Dalrymple is delighted to have to have founding Twilight series sponsors Log Cabin Garden Centre continue as sponsors of the series.

Jetty update November 14th

PilePro will be commecing works on the jetty on Tuesday 14th November, we anticipate PilePro will be on site till around the end of November, (further updates will follow).

PDYC shines at Showdown

The Royals, Hobart BMW Showdown Regatta, saw PDYC sailors shine in the first of the Tasmanian season big interclub regatta's, the Showdown provided a contrast of conditions with a blow out for the final race Saturday and very light conditions on Sunday.

Time to volunteer the B14s are coming!

As you will know by now your Club is about to embark on its biggest Christmas - New Year period, as we host the B14 Class, for Port Dalrymple’s ninth Australian Championship

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