
Solar powered season! Thanks CNW!

Published Tue 25 Sep 2018

A silent but great money saving project is underway for the Club, which will help lower one of our ongoing large expense’s, and improving our carbon footprint.

Twenty 300 watt solar panels have been installed on the Club roof, generating 6kw of power, this will reduce the Clubs daily power cost dramatically, offsetting the fridges and freezers running cost, and banking some credit for us.

We have to give a huge thank you to Mid-Week series sponsor CNW for their support with the panel purchase, thanks Justin, and to new Club sponsor Tasmanian Electrical Services, thanks Nick and Co.

Big thanks to Nick McElwee and Barrie McIndoe for their time on the installation, panels are in place with the final fit off and connection to be done shortly.

CNW would like to extend their support to PDYC, The offer is as follows; Any sale of a solar system, from CNW made to a customer that mentions PDYC Before the sale is processed, will earn PDYC a dollar bonus. Any systems up to 5kw will be $100.00 to the Club, then in increments of 5kw after that. So 10kw is $200.00, 20kw is $400.00 and so on.

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