
PDYC Junior Learn to Sail Program is off and flying

Published Mon 22 Oct 2018

Great start to Junior Learn to Sail Program

The 2018/19 PDYC Junior Learn to Sail Program is off to a flying start with the first session held on Sunday in fantastic weather and light winds. With 25 registered participants (23 making the first day) the Club was a hive of activity. While the young ones were busy settling in with the first session, parents and companions were attending to final registrations and a welcome morning coffee upstairs.

We currently have two courses running in parallel comprising Tackers Learn to Sail (for 7-12 year olds) and Youth Learn to Sail (for over 12).

Session two is this coming Sunday with a total of six sessions spread through to mid-December.

A further program will commence after Xmas. Link to PDYC Sailing Program

Greg Rowsell
Principal Instructor
Port Dalrymple Yacht Club - Discover Sailing Centre
Ph 0400 342 308

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