
PDYC Jetty Redevelopment Update

Published Sun 01 Oct 2017

PDYC Jetty Redevelopment and Fuel berth Pontoon

Update 1. September 2017

The Jetty Redevelopment Sub Committee, of Glen Cornish (Chair), Mick Jones, Stephen McElwee, Peter Sluce and Peter Haworth (Tres) has been busy since the first announcement of the Club successful grant applications in July.

Since that initial announcement we have signed off on Deed agreements with MAST, Tasmanian Community Fund and West Tamar Council, with the first of the funds set to start landing in the Clubs bank account shortly. This process has taken longer than expected, to finalising budgets and works programs to satisfy the requirement of the respective organisations, whose support the club is very grateful for.

The Club has also been successful in securing the support of the Tasmanian Gas Pipeline (TGP) for the donation of surplus steel gas pipe to allow re-piling of the entire jetty with steel concrete encased piles; this is a huge bonus to the project giving the Club an opportunity future proof the jetty and its ongoing maintenance.

In parallel with the finalising of deed agreements, the approval process for the development, as the Jetty and pontoons are part of the Clubs Crown Lands Lease we firstly needed to gain owners approval for the Crown to lodge our application with the West Tamar Council and to seek an amendment to the Lease boundary for the new fuel pontoon and the realignment of the Clubs Pontoons.

The Council approval process is now underway with the 14 day advertising period ending on Monday 2nd October, the final planning approval conditions will then be confirmed in the following week or so, the Council approval then has to go back to Crown Lands for their approval and final sign off to allow construction to start.

While the approval process has been rolling along, design drawings have been completed by 6ty° allowing the fabrication works for the new aluminium framed fuel berth pontoon and day berths along with the new aluminium gangways and steel work for the Jetty reconstruction. The Committee are pleased to advise that local company Multiskilled Tasmania was the successful tenderer, from the three invited, for both the aluminium and steel fabrication. Decking for the pontoons and reconstructed jetty will be fiberglass grating similar, (smaller grid) to new decking going onto the MAST Inspection Head boat ramp pontoon, again low ongoing maintenance.

To answer everyone’s question when will it all start! Quick answer is after Opening Day on Sunday 8th October.

Components for the project will start arriving at the Club in late October, with Pile driving starting around the start of November. The Pontoon frames will arrive on site shortly after the piling, for club working bees to install the floats and decking. The new steel work will follow on completion of the piling to allow final measurements to be taken.

The hope is that we will only have a short period of time between the Clubs pontoons being removed for refurbishment and the new fuel berth pontoon being in place, there will be a period of inconvenience for the start of the season, for a very long term benefit to your Club.

Keep your eye on the Club web page for further updates and details of timing for works.

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