
PDYC Annual General Meeting Season 2023-24

Published Sun 21 Jul 2024

Thank you to the members who were part of the strong turnout for the Annual General Meeting of the Port Dalrymple Yacht Club, for 2023-2024 Season, on Sunday the 21st of July.

The 72nd Annual General Meeting saw the reporting of an extremely successful year of the Club and historically the proposing of three new life Members along with the unveiling of a PDYC 50-year membership honour board.  

We are pleased to announce the PDYC Flag Officers & Committee Members for Season 2024 / 2025.

Commodore - Barrie McIndoe, Vice Commodore - To Be Confirmed, Rear Commodore - Chris Bayne.

Existing Committee members, Ben Greatbatch, Kirstin Seaver, David O'Brien and Adrian Glasson are Joined by re-elected Committee members David Shepherd, Narissa McElwee and we extend welcome to new Committee members: Ruby Edmunds and Tim White.

Huge thank you to departing Vice Commodore Ross Edmunds after his two years as a Flag Offices and several years on the Committee, along with Committee Members, David Blazely after 12 years on committee managing the trailer park and the Rescue Boats and Scott Creadon after two-year term.

As noted the AGM saw saw the election and recognition of three of the Clubs tireless workers, to the status of Life Membership, with David Shepherd, Greg Rowsell and Glen Cornish (absent) jointing the existing honour roll, their life member proposals, below, make inspiring reading.

Please take the time to read through the PDYC Annual Report Season 2023-2024.


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