
PDYC AGM Sunday 21st July

Published Fri 07 Jun 2019

Nominations are now open for Flag Officers and positions on the General Committee of the Port Dalrymple Yacht Club for the 2019/20 season. Nominees, proposers and seconders all need to be Senior Members of the club which includes Honorary Life Members, Veteran Members and Cadet Members.

Nominations are called for the positions of:

Commodore - for a term of 1 year

Vice Commodore - for a term of 1 year

Rear Commodore - for a term of 1 year, and

4 committee members - for a term of 2 years.

Nomination forms are available hereNomination forms need to be returned by Sunday, 7th of July, 2019 to either PO Box 361, Beauty Point, 7270, or to

Robert Mantach


Files for download
Nomination form

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