
Major Trophy Winners Season 2016-17

Published Sat 08 Jul 2017

The 64th Season of the Port Dalrymple Yacht Club has wound up with the Clubs Annual Dinner and Presentation Evening in June.

The 2016-17 season has been a fantastic season for the Club on and off the water and the dinner was a fitting end to another memorable sailing season at the Port Dalrymple Yacht Club. Full list of thirty plus, Port Dalrymple members, State and National competion results.

Along with the presentation of Club Championship and Series winners in all classes, the evening all saw the presentation of the Clubs Major trophies that recognize outstanding achievement by members in sailing and support and betterment of the Club.

Major Trophy winners were:

Yachtsman of the Year - Nick McElwee

Geoff Teesdale Memorial Trophy Clubman of the Year – Glen Cornish

Jack Turnbull Perpetual Trophy – Stephen McElwee

Junior Club Person of the Year – Sam Jones

Ern Annear Encouragement Award – Liam Jones

Photos Mel Jones

Don’t Forget

64th Annual General Meeting, Port Dalrymple Yacht Club

Sunday 16th July 2017, 2:30pm

Information Session B14 Nationals and Worlds

Sunday the 16th July, 1:00pm

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