
First slipping on the EnviroSlip

Published Wed 05 Jun 2024

First slipping on the EnviroSlip, as per our member email on 22nd May, Leigh is taking booking for the slip, we note as we believe demand will be high for Cradle 1 (the large galvanised) and Cradle 7 (the mustard colour cradle) the General Committee have decided that bookings for those two cradles, will be limited to 2 weeks (with some leeway for rain) till the end of July. 

Works will still be underway commissioning power and various pumps. But the slip is operational for tide and hardstand slipping.

There will still be work going on in the Slip area moving forward, so there will still be a need to work in with the Contractors on site, which may mean there are times when access is limited and there are power and water shutdowns, for final fit off.

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