
EnviroSlip Project Update to Members 11

Published Sun 26 May 2024

EnviroSlip Project Update to Members 11

The install of the bling has commenced with the first of the pedestals being bolted down on the seaward side of the EnviroSlip.

Concrete works have moved to the area around slip incline and the new Bay 1 (the big boat bay) as we head to concrete works completion.

In the trailer park we have a sealing date with the new 30mm Asphalt seal over the original 2 coat seal area and linking into the new eastern slipway slab is scheduled for Friday 31st May, ready to roll (weather permitting) for race 4 of the Winter Series.


Works coming up.

Friday 31st, will see Trailer Park ramp and the northern end of the trailer park closed for use as the new sealing takes place.

EnviroSlip working bee two, 1st June, lots to do to be ready for our first slipping and the EnviroSlip going operational on Sunday 2nd June.

As noted, access to the Trailer Park will continue by the Southern gate ONLY, access will still be by a member key if gate is locked.

If you are using the boat ramp prior to Friday, please go lightly on the prepared gravel surface and wash down on the ramp or capture slab only.

If you have not been to the Club for a while, have a drive by and check out the progress, when you are at the Club, please remember the slipway is a construction site under the control of the RMB Construction, so there is no access. We note that you may see some Club members on the site occasionally assisting with the electrical install, and other items, please still respect that the site is restricted access and do not enter.


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