The EnviroSlip is officially open, wow what a day Saturday was with the commemorative Opening plaque unveiled by Michael Ferguson - Deputy Premier, Helen Polley - Senator for Tasmania and Christina Holmdahl - WTC Mayor, thank you to all levels of government for their support of the EnviroSlip Project.
Just under 10 years ago the renewal of the Clubs Crown Lands Lease confirmed what we already knew the days of allowing the wash down water from Antifouling back into the Tamar River were over. With the last four years seeing the Club working through the approval, funding, design and construction over the past four months, sounds easy when read quickly, but it has consumed a larch chunk of volunteer time to get to this momentous future proof point in the Clubs history.
Reality is that this would not have been possible without the forethought and incredible volunteer dedication of the founding membership, which had within 15 years of the Club being founded reclamation underway for the hardstand and the Slipway incline and which house in place and in use, staggering!
Thank you to all the members that attended and assisted in making the Opening of the PDYC EnvirioSlip such an amazing moment in time in the Clubs long history.