
Club Race Officer Course Interested?

Published Fri 21 Jul 2017

Australian Sailing are running a Club Race Officer training session at Tamar Yacht Club on Saturday August 12th at their Park St Clubhouse. This is open to all northern Clubs. The training will be delivered by Scott Price, a national RO from the Huon Valley and will take about 3/4 of a day.

PDYC will subsidise a number of members who wish to do this RO course, the first step on the Race officer path, details of the course are below, along with the details of the Race Officer path.

Any members interested please contact Club Secretary Rob Mantach on email by Tuesday 1st August.

Date: Saturday August 12th

Time: 9:00 – 1:00

Place: Tamar Yacht Club, 7 Park St, Launceston

Price: $65 (includes Zhik Race Officer’s shirt)

Registration: CLOSED

Visit the Become an Official page for full NOP details, policies, assessments and application forms.

Race Officer officiating is split into Club, State, National and International as shown above. A broad guideline as to the experience or general characteristic of an official at this level is detailed below.

Club accreditation is used to recognise somebody that has attended an Australian Sailing sanctioned course or has been nominated by their affiliated club. Their continued participation in the sport is very important. They should be encouraged to continue their involvement with the sport and be shown how they can progress.

State accreditation is used to recognise somebody that has achieved more than just attendance to a course or nomination from their club. A State qualified official may have considerable sailing or officiating experience not just at their own club. This is recognised with this formal qualification. Competitors accept that these people are skilled amateur volunteers.

National accreditation is used to recognise an official that has chosen the route of officiating as their way of progressing through the sport. A National official will have met the stringent criteria for officiating in their stream. Competitors will expect a high level of expertise from these officials

International accreditation is administered by World Sailing, however, it is important to recognise that there is another level of accreditation above National and the role and functions that International level officials provide.

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