PDYC welcomes all competitors for a big weekend of sailing.
Sailing Instructions for the 25th BlockBuster are now available below.
All competitors please note:
1 - There are separate Sailing Instructions for Alpha and Bravo courses.
2 - All competitors should attend their applicable briefing at either 1130 for Bravo Course or 1200 for Alpha Course.
3 - A reminder that before any entry is accepted, any incomplete information or change of details and unpaid entry fees must be submitted/settled prior to the expiration of the late entry period (1030 AM Saturday 15th February).
4- Competitors and supporters are asked to get their lunch orders in early on Saturday morning and after racing Saturday for Sunday to ensure orders can be filled. Those wishing to attend dinner on Saturday night please confirm your booking at the canteen Saturday morning.
Sailing Instructions Alpha Course
Sailing Instructions Bravo Course