
Big lift done, working Bee coming up!

Published Tue 06 Feb 2018

Jetty Redevelopment update 06-02-18

Next working Bee Saturday 24th February jobs for all.

One of the big mile stones to the jetty redevelopment was completed today with the outer galvanised frame section of the existing jetty lifted 300mm up and onto the new pile connectors.

Raising the jetty, came up as an option with the instalation of the all new steel piles, allowing the club to further future proof and extend the life of the new works, by getting them further above king tides, that have cover the jetty on rare occasions in the past.

The lifting frames engineered by 6ty° and fabricated by Multiskilled Tasmania, did the job perfectly, allowing the outer jetty to be raised by chain blocks. The lifting frames will be recycled into mounting brackets, for lights, fire hose reels etc. when the jetty is completed.

Next on the jetty works list is the installation of the new steel work for the end of the jetty, that was lost in the collision in 2017, with that steel work in place we will be ready for the new fuel berth pontoon and aluminium walkway to go into place.

Friday 9th will see the main aluminium frame, for the new fuel berth delivered to the Club, ready to be put onto its new poly floats and have the decking and fendering installed at the Saturday 24th working bee. With the main pontoon out of the Multiskilled Tasmania workshop, the fabrication of the three day berth finger pontoons will then take place, hopefully to be completed by the working bee, so the pontoon can be launched and in place shortly after.

Huge thanks to the during the week volunteers that have got the redevelopment to this stage, we are closing on 400 volunteer hours that have been put into the jetty. The bulk of the work to this stage has been fiddley and space limited, so the intention for Saturday 24th is to throw some bodies at getting the new FRP grated decking in place on the new Fuel berth pontoon along with part of the jetty if time allows on the Saturday 24th

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