
A photo journey through history from 1946!

Published Thu 16 May 2024

As we close on the end of the Slipway redevelopment, it worth looking back at the progress the Club has made since its founding in 1952, at that time there was no Clubhouse or ownership of the land the Clubhouse is on, the area of the Slipway and the Trailer park were water at high tide and just an area of mud at low tide.

In the Clubs history only twice has the Club employed an external contractor to complete an entire project, the first was the construction of the second stage of the main Clubhouse and the current slipway redevelopment.

Everything else has been constructed by the hands of Club members, volunteering their time and equipment. To get a real grasp of the extent of that work has been achieved, have a look through the below aerial photos starting pre-Club founding in 1946, through to 2021, it has been a journey!


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